Script Processor Node
A sample that shows the ScriptProcessorNode in action.
A sample that shows the ScriptProcessorNode in action.
Pick direction and position of the sound source relative to the listener.
Integrating getUserMedia and the Web Audio API.
Using ConvolverNode and impulse response samples to illustrate various kinds of room effects.
Automatic crossfading between songs (as in a playlist).
A sample showing the frequency response graphs of various kinds of BiquadFilterNodes.
Equal-power crossfading to mix between two tracks.
Generating basic tones at various frequencies using the OscillatorNode.
Illustrating the API's precise timing model by playing back a simple rhythm.
Lets you adjust gain and show when clipping happens.
Illustrates the use of MediaElementAudioSourceNode to wrap the audio tag.
Apply a simple low pass filter to a sound. Lets you tweak frequency and Q values.
Sets a sinusoidal value timing curve for a tremolo effect. Also does the same thing with an oscillator-based LFO.
A very simple example that lets you change the volume using a GainNode.
Procedurally generated gunshot sounds.
Using the AnalyserNode and some Canvas 2D visualizations to show both time- and frequency- domain.
Many sound effects playing nearly simultaneously. Illustrates pitch and temporal randomness.